
Current Theme: Tribute

Starting: Jan 10th
End: Jan 31st

Monday, January 31, 2011

Zoolander tribute - Jason Han

This is my Zoolander tribute.
Hes busting out his ultimate Look!

Mushroom Kingdom Tribute

Well, I don't think I can post my full Mega Man tribute piece yet, because of the Udon contest. So here's a sneak peek of the piece and an Oldie.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tribute botched..

Well guys, it's the day before the tribute is due and I've decided to start over on my piece. I hated the one I was working on. No foreground, ugly composition, stupid looking poses, etc. So I will work on a new one and have it ready by the end of the week, I promise. Here's proof that I was, in fact, working on one.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tribute: LMS

This is a tribute to LMS by Dan LuVisi. It's a graphic novel and movie in the making. So far only the intro scrapbook is done and published and it's a masterpiece. :O

-Jessica Salehi

Monday, January 10, 2011

The New Re-Arted Blog theme is Tribute to a favorite game, cartoon, movie, comic, etc.
Starts now
Ends Jan 31st

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our 3rd Theme: Celebrity Animorphs!

Kevin Page's Super duper awesome art.
Go look at his blogspot!
Our 3rd Theme will be decided by Sacha!

This one will be done over 3 weeks rather than 2.

Our next theme is Celebrity Animorphs!

Draw a celebrity as an animal!

You can make it political, you can make it a caricature, or you can even make it awesome!